Politics Quiz Mock

Dive into Polity Quiz Test, the ultimate destination to gauge your political knowledge! Our platform offers a diverse range of quizzes covering political ideologies, historical events, and contemporary issues. Whether you’re a seasoned politico or just beginning your journey into politics, Politic quiz Test has something for everyone. Engage with thought-provoking questions that challenge your understanding of the political landscape. Join our community of politically curious individuals and embark on a journey of discovery. With Politic Q Test, learning about politics is both enlightening and entertaining. So, are you ready to put your political prowess to the test? Take the plunge and see where you stand on the spectrum of political knowledge!

To play a quiz mock test with one question and four options, follow these steps:

1. **Question Selection:** Choose a question that you want to ask in your quiz mock test. Ensure that it has one correct answer and four plausible options.

2. **Option Creation:** Create four options for the question, including the correct answer and three incorrect options. Make sure the incorrect options are plausible to make the quiz challenging.

3. **Format Preparation:** Decide on the format you want to use for the quiz. You can conduct it orally, on paper, or using digital platforms like quiz apps or websites.

4. **Instructions:** Provide clear instructions to the participants on how the quiz will be conducted, including how to select their answer choice.

5. **Conducting the Quiz:**
– If conducting orally or on paper, read out the question and options clearly, allowing participants some time to think before answering.

– If using a digital platform, input the question and options into the quiz interface and provide a link or access instructions to the participants.

6. **Answer Submission:** Allow participants to select their answer choice. Ensure that they submit their answers within a specified time limit.

7. **Scoring:** Determine the scoring method for the quiz. Typically, participants receive points for selecting the correct answer and may lose points for incorrect answers, depending on the scoring system you choose.

8. **Review and Announcement of Results:** Once all participants have submitted their answers, review the responses and announce the correct answer. Calculate scores if necessary and declare the winner or provide feedback to participants.

9. **Feedback and Discussion:** If desired, provide feedback on the quiz questions and answers. Encourage discussion to enhance learning and understanding.

10. **Repeat:** If you plan to conduct multiple rounds of the quiz, repeat the process with different questions and options.

Remember to keep the quiz engaging and enjoyable for the participants, and feel free to customize the format and rules based on your preferences and the preferences of your audience.

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Politics Quiz

Dive into Politics Q Test, the ultimate destination to gauge your political knowledge! Our platform offers a diverse range of quizzes covering political ideologies, historical events, and contemporary issues. Whether you’re a seasoned politico or just beginning your journey into politics, Politic Q Test has something for everyone. Engage with thought-provoking questions that challenge your understanding of the political landscape. Join our community of politically curious individuals and embark on a journey of discovery. With Politic Q Test, learning about politics is both enlightening and entertaining. So, are you ready to put your political prowess to the test? Take the plunge and see where you stand on the spectrum of political knowledge!

1 / 100

With reference to “Prime Minister of India”, which of the following is/are correct?

2 / 100

How much national political party in India?

3 / 100

Which of the following is described as the ‘soul of the Constitution’?

4 / 100

The three words – liberty, equality and fraternity – mentioned in our Preamble have been taken from_____?

5 / 100

Which of the following articles of the Indian Constitution guarantees freedom of the press?

6 / 100

How many organs are there in the Government of India?

7 / 100

Which language is not included in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution?

8 / 100

In which country the G-7 meeting was held in the year 2018?

9 / 100

Which of these countries is NOT part of the G7?

10 / 100

Who was the first woman Chief Minister of India?

11 / 100

When did Indian become a Democracy?

12 / 100

Who is the head of the Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights?

13 / 100

How many types the President of India enjoys emergency powers?

14 / 100

Which state awarded to the Most Film Friendly State Award 2017?

15 / 100

Who was the first Chief Election Commissioner of India?

16 / 100

The idea of the fundamental duty is derived from____?

17 / 100

How many sessions are there in a year?

18 / 100

Which of the following Union Territories attained statehood in February, 1987?

19 / 100

Who was the founder of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh?

20 / 100

What is the term of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?

21 / 100

In which year did the Sarkaria Commission submit its report?

22 / 100

Who was the first speaker of the Lok Sabha?

23 / 100

When was Hindi language recognized by the Indian Constitution?

24 / 100

Which article provides traffic in Human?

25 / 100

Where did Panchayati Raj started in India?

26 / 100

What is the name of the Parliament of Japan?

27 / 100

How much majority is needed to pass the amendment?

28 / 100

Who prepared the preamble of the constitution?

29 / 100

How many zonal council chairmen are there in India?

30 / 100

Which is the first state of India formed on the basis of language?

31 / 100

Who was the founder of Indian Parliament?

32 / 100

How many joint setting have been held in the history of Indian Parliament till now?

33 / 100

Who can include or exclude areas under the Sixth Schedule?

34 / 100

Who decides whether a bill is money bill or not?

35 / 100

Which Indian actress is the current Rajya Sabha Member to the Samajwadi Party?

36 / 100

Which country has excluded China from the RIMPAC naval exercise?

37 / 100

Who wrote Maila Aanchal?

38 / 100

When was the GVK Rao committee formed?

39 / 100

Which of the following articles of the Indian Constitution prohibits the screening process for admission of children to school?

40 / 100

Where was the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting held in the year 2022?

41 / 100

When the post of both the President and the Vice President are vacant. Who among the following officiates as President?

42 / 100

Who is the supreme authority in the state?

43 / 100

India’s first police museum will be set up in which city?

44 / 100

Which of the following schemes were announced by the government in the Budget 2016-17, to develop the administrative capabilities of Panchayati Raj Institutions on Sustainable Development Goals?

45 / 100

What was the total number of members in the Drafting Committee of Constitution?

46 / 100

Which of the following is described as the ‘soul of the Constitution’?

47 / 100

Which is the capital of Kerala?

48 / 100

Which country was renamed as ‘The Kingdom of Eswatini’?

49 / 100

In which of the following list economic planning has been placed?

50 / 100

Who among the following was not involved in amending the Indian Constitution?

51 / 100

Which language is not in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India?

52 / 100

Which Indian state had the first woman chief minister?

53 / 100

When was the first Public Service Commission established?

54 / 100

Who is the present DONER minister?

55 / 100

What is the position of Germany’s head of government?

56 / 100

Who is the speaker of the 2021 Lok Sabha?

57 / 100

In which district is Pushpagiri Wildlife Sanctuary?

58 / 100

When was Delhi made the amendment of the capital of India?

59 / 100

In which year was the National Human Rights Commission established?

60 / 100

In how many years are the Lok Sabha elections held?

61 / 100

Home Guards are a voluntary force

62 / 100

Which language is not included in the constitution?

63 / 100

When was the Rowlatt Act passed?

64 / 100

Stapled visa is issued by many counties like Cuba, Iran, Syria, and North Korea for the citizen of China and Vietnam but after the mutual agreement between these countries to china the process has been stopped

65 / 100

For which of these Indian states does China issue stapled visas?

66 / 100

Who is the LG of Ladakh?

67 / 100

The idea of ‘Lokpal’ bill is taken from?

68 / 100

Who is called the first citizen of India?

69 / 100

How many Presidents of India so far were elected unopposed?

70 / 100

A Supreme Court judge must have been a high Court judge for at least?

71 / 100

How many states have been formed on the basis of language in India?

72 / 100

How many articles are there in the Indian constitution 2022?

73 / 100

For which of these Indian states does China issue stapled visas?

74 / 100

Who represented India in ILO 1919?

75 / 100

Who was the youngest member of Parliament in the 12th Lok Sabha election?

76 / 100

Which Indian actress is the current Rajya Sabha Member to the Samajwadi Party?

77 / 100

Who was the Ex-Officio chairman of Rajya Sabha?

78 / 100

How many members can be nominated by the President?

79 / 100

When was Hindi language recognized by the Indian Constitution?

80 / 100

Which political party is known as the umbrella organization?

81 / 100

Thomas Cup is associated with which of the following sports?

82 / 100

Who was the founder of the Republican Party?

83 / 100

The institution of Lokayukta was first established by:

84 / 100

Who is the National Commission for Women of India?

85 / 100

Which country’s National Assembly passed controversial immigration law in 2018?

86 / 100

Which of the following High Court is the oldest High Court in India?

87 / 100

How many types of justice are described in the preamble

88 / 100

Which of the following is an amendment of the constitution?

89 / 100

When was the Supreme Court established in India?

90 / 100

Which country was renamed as ‘The Kingdom of Eswatini’?

91 / 100

Which of these is called Punjab Kesari?

92 / 100

Who has jurisdiction over interstate trade and commerce?

93 / 100

When was the Official Language Act passed?

94 / 100

Who was the first Attorney General of India?

95 / 100

Who said 42nd amendment mini constitution?

96 / 100

How long was the longest hunger strike?

97 / 100

How many members are there in Rajya Sabha?

98 / 100

After how many years the Gagan exercise is conducted?

99 / 100

Who is the LG of Ladakh?

100 / 100

How many bicameral legislatures do India have?

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